Copywriter. Editor. Poet.

Words matter. I make the good ones count.


I’ve delivered everything from a 300+ page academic policy guide to 100 character Tweets. My content has been published by several national brands including T-Mobile, Intuit and LifeLock.

These days, I demystify personal finance. By night, I write poetry about parenting in the Midwest. Otherwise I listen to podcasts while washing dishes. Many, many dishes.



I began writing professionally in 2015. Armed with a bachelor’s degree in English, I also spent a decade working in higher education. As an 8-year old, I began writing my first and last novel. Now I research, write, and edit. I SEO and Instagram. Read poetry at open mics. I even dabble in html and, on occasion, InDesign (but I’m better with Canva). I’ve always been obsessed with words.